According to several nationally recognized studies there are more than 600,000 international students studying in the United States today. Translating to nearly 4% of all students enrolled in U.S. educational institutions come from abroad. This staggering growth leaves one industry bound for exceptional growth, the Apostille industry. An Apostille is defined as a documentation legalization service. Most students throughout their college careers require several copies of official transcripts, along with other important documents like degrees, statements of study major, not to mention medical records. Contrary to popular belief, just because a document is issued from a major university or hospital does not make it recognized worldwide. It is for this reason that Apostille documentation certification services have become so popular. International students are often granted entry to the U.S. through temporary student visa passes, and thus will be forced to return to their native country after completing their studies. Returning home without having the proper documents legalized can be cause for concern. Apostille services relieve the concerns of international students that will need their degrees, and important documents legalized for world wide acceptance. “An Apostille service will legalize most important documents like driver licenses, medical records, educational degrees and transcripts for members of the Hague Convention Treaty. For those wanting documents legalized that come from other countries not included in the list of Hague Convention Treaty nations, one can use a similar service known as an Embassy Legalization. Documents International LLC can provide you with the apostille and embassy legalization services you need to use your documents worldwide.