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Chile finally joins the Hague Apostille Convention

Screen Shot 2016-08-23 at 2.31.04 PMChile has joined the Apostille Convention, depositing its instrument on December 16, 2015. The Convention will enter into force on Agust 30, 2016. This is great news for all people that needs to exchange documents between the United States and Chile because the Embassy or Consular Legalization will not be required anymore. Documents will be acceptable with an Apostille and the legalization process will be simplified.

The ceremony took place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands and it was attended by H.E. Ms María Teresa Infante, Ambassador of Chile, and Third Secretary Mr Juan Enrique Loyer representing the Embassy of Chile, the Head of the Treaties Division Mr Joseph Damoiseaux and Legal Officer Mr Mark Groen and the Secretary General Mr Christophe Bernasconi and Legal Officer Mr Brody Warren representing the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH).

There are thousands of official, legal and private documents used between the US and Chile every year for either commercial, immigration or academic reasons, among many others. The Hague Apostille Convention has been joined every year by more countries in order to facilitate this process for companies, institutions and individuals.

Documents International, LLC has been specializing in the Apostille of documents for more than 10 years now.

If you are in need to get an Apostille of a US document to be used in Chile, or viceversa, a Chilean document to be used in the US we would be happy to assist you, please contact us at chile@apostilla.com

