Our Apostille Embassy Translation services have been trusted around the world since 2005


Los documentos que sean emitidos por autoridades de EUA o que sean documentos corporativos o bien documentos previamente notariados de acuerdo a los requerimientos de cada estado de EUA deberán ser autenticados de acuerdo a las Reglas para autenticación de documentos del Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos, parea poder ser reconocidos en España.De acuerdo a la Sección de Apostillas de la Convención de la Haya, para que un documento emitido en EUA sea reconocido en España, este deberá contar con una Apostilla. Los documentos que tengan una Apostilla, no necesitaran de alguna otra legalización. Los siguientes documentos son considerados como oficiales de acuerdo a la Sección de Apostillas de la Convención de la Haya (documentos para uso publico) y podrán ser apostillados: – Documentos emitidos por organizaciones u oficiales asociados a Cortes o Tribunales Estatales, incluyendo documentos emitidos por un fiscal de distrito, secretario de la corte o alguacil. – Documentos de autoridades administrativas/ejecutivas. – Documentos certificados por un notario publico. – Endosos oficiales y validos, colocados en documentos firmados por individuos que actúen en capacidad personal, como certificados oficiales del registro del documento o de su existencia en la fecha indicada, así como verificaciones oficiales y notariales de las firmas. Para empezar su proceso de apostilla por Documents International, LLC, seleccione una opción en la lista: – Proceso de apostillado en 3 simples pasos. – GUIA DE REQUISITOS PARA CADA ESTADO EN LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS PARA PREPARAR SUS DOCUMENTOS PARA SER APOSTILLADOS. – Apostillado de documentos de los Estados Unidos.


Us issued documents either issued by a US Authority, Corporate documents or documents that have been notarized meeting each US state requirements must be authenticated according to the Rules for authentication from the US Department of State, in order to be recognized as valid in Spain.According to the Apostille Section of the Hague Convention for a US issued document to be recognized in Spain it must have an apostille. Documents bearing an apostille will not need any other form of legalization. The following documents are considered as official according to the Apostille Section of the Hague Convention (documents for public use) and can be apostilled: – Documents issued by organizations or officials associated to Courts or State Tribunals, including documents issued by a District Attorney, Secretary of the Court or Sheriff. – Documents issued by administrative or executive authorities. – Documents certified by a Public Notary. – Official and valid endorsements placed on documents signed by individuals acting in a personal capacity, such as official registry certificates of the document, or of it’s existence on the stated date, as well as official or notarial verifications of the signatures. Check out the state guide to make sure your documents are acceptable for an apostille, depending on which US state they were issued. TO GET YOUR APOSTILLE SERVICES STARTED BY DOCUMENTS INTERNATIONAL, LLC, JUST FOLLOW THIS THREE SIMPLE STEPS. 1. DOWNLOAD THE ORDER FORM: CLICK HERE NOW TO DOWNLOAD AND FILL OUT ORDER FORM. 2. SHIP US YOUR DOCUMENTS AND ORDER FORM TO:
  • As we have delivery offices in Washington, DC, New York, Texas, California, Florida and Mexico City, please email us at order@apostilla.com to confirm the address where you should ship us your document to be apostilled.

    You can also send us a Whatsapp to: +1-212-810-2124


(212) 810-2124 | Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm


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Documents International, LLC is a trusted Apostille & Translation Company providing expedited, economy, and do-it-yourself solutions in all 50 U.S. states and all Mexican states. We offer translation services through our team of US Certified Translators and Mexican sworn translators (Perito Traductor Mexicano). Our staff is available from 9 am to 5 pm CT, Monday through Friday to assist with any queries.